Welcome to The Dusty Unknown Prints for Tips Program!
Do you regularly see wildlife in your area and wish you could capture a beautiful image for your home? Let’s make it happen!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Prints for Tips Program?
The Prints for Tips Program is based on a simple concept: I want to photograph wildlife, and I also want to share my work with others. So why not bring those two concepts together into a mutually beneficial arrangement?
How does the Prints for Tips Program work?
If you regularly see wildlife in your area, and let me know where I can go to photograph specific species, I will give you a free 8”x12” print of a photograph that I capture.
What if I don’t capture a print-worthy photo?
If I am unable to find or photograph the species I received a tip about, or if you don’t want a photo of that particular species, I will enter your name into a bi-monthly draw for an 8”x12” print from my existing portfolio.
So, I can give you a tip on just any animal?
Not exactly. On this page you will find a list of the species I am looking to photograph. The list will be updated to accommodate changes in species migration, appearance, behaviour, and seasonal availability. So, check back often!
Why not just find wildlife yourself?
I do! But, here’s the thing: Manitoba is a big place and getting permission to photograph on private property can be a tricky business. Additionally, driving endlessly to locate wildlife takes a lot of time and isn’t great for the wilderness I hope to photograph. I would much rather travel to a specific location where I know I may have a chance at capturing a photo, producing less emissions, and utilizing resources the most effectively.
Are there any rules I need to follow to have my name entered into the Prints for Tips Program?
Yes, I’m glad you asked!
You must see the species in question on a regular basis. No, “I saw a bear one time and it was in the dark” tips please!
Only contact me if you own the property the species is on or if you know the species is in an accessible, public area.
Please only send tips from within Western Manitoba.
Do not, under any circumstances, bait, trap, harass, approach, or disturb wildlife! I take ethical wildlife photography very seriously and will, 100% of the time, place animal welfare over capturing an image.
Will you post the location of animals you photograph?
Nope. Never. Animal welfare is extremely important and that begins with a quiet space to be wild.