Connect with The Unknown in 2024

As a neurodiverse photographer, I thrive on change. If you look through my portfolio, you will find photos of everything from saw-whets to salamanders. I also enjoy a good challenge and usually create a set of personal goals/habits I’d like to achieve each year. With the start of The Dusty Unknown, I have begun to look at business goals the same way. Last year’s theme was “firsts”, and I set intentions to have my first solo exhibition, my first pop-up, and my first craft market. This year, my business goals are centred around the concept of connection. Here’s what that looks like:

1.     Collaborating with artists: I remember reading a quote about collaboration being a hallmark of creative growth and that concept has really stuck with me. I am a firm believer that artists should uplift other artists, and that success for one creative is a success for all creatives. In that vein, I started the monthly Into the Unknown blog, which features interviews showcasing the personal and creative achievements of other photographers. I also hope to bring other artists into The Dusty Unknown family by featuring them on the website, blog, and social media accounts. Keep an eye out for news about collaborations as the year progresses.

2.     Highlighting conservation: Alongside interviews with fellow photographers, I will be interviewing various conservation-based creatives this year, as well as spotlighting organizations that both support and mandate conservation efforts. My hope is to connect people with local and international conservation efforts so that they might participate in real tangible change. Personally, I will be participating in the Wildlife Haven Rehabilitation Centres’ Art for Wildlife Online Art Auction. The auction runs from February 9th to 19th and all proceeds go towards the care of sick injured and orphaned wildlife.             

3.     Attending more markets: One of the highlights of 2023 was participating in craft markets and pop-ups. It’s one thing to capture an image and post it online; it’s something else entirely to print your work and put it out into the world. Having people stop to chat about my photography, share their love of wildlife, and support my passions by taking a print into their homes was nothing short of incredible. This year, I hope to magnify my efforts by attending markets in Saskatoon, Ontario and Manitoba, as well as participating in markets of various sizes and in different seasons. Keep an eye on my events page to stay up to date on where I’ll be and what I’ll be selling.

4.     Traveling for photography: While I honestly believe that there are few places as beautiful as Manitoba’s boreal forests, I do hope to travel as much as possible this year. Not only is connecting to fellow naturalists and adventures a key part of travel, but photographing animals outside of Manitoba will also help me highlight the amazing biodiversity of our planet. To start things off, I head to Hawai’i for three weeks this February with the hope of photographing endangered Hawaiian birds. Once I return to Manitoba, I intend on traveling to Grasslands National Park, Jasper National Park, and a potential trip to northern Manitoba.      

5.     Teaching and learning: I discovered I had a passion for learning in my early twenties and, three degrees later, I can honestly say that I still long for the connection one feels from gathering new knowledge and sharing it with their peers. This year, I hope to do a bit of both. On the side of learning, I plan on spending more time outdoors with local guides, tours, and naturalist groups. I also hope to attend more academic talks and participate in online learning opportunities. On the sharing side of things…well, that’s more complicated. Several years ago, I had a panic attack in front of a room full of peers and have been unable to speak publicly ever since – which is especially difficult when you’re a registered teacher. In an ironic twist of fate, I have already been contacted by three separate groups this year to either teach a course or speak at a gathering, and seeing as I love a challenge, I’m going to try my darnedest to work through my anxieties and attempt my first-ever educational talks as a wildlife photographer.     

Well, there you have it folks, a sneak peek into a future of connecting with The Dusty Unknown in 2024. If you know of any courses, groups, people, or conservationists that I should connect with, please leave a comment below, email me at, or reach out to me on Facebook, or Instagram. Thanks for following my adventures!  


Into the Unknown with lisa Connor


Into the Unknown with Alex McKerracher